Wednesday 24 August 2011

Part 2: The Unbelievable World Of 3D Street Art

3D street art — alternatively known as pavement, chalk or sidewalk art — is a form of anamorphic art that sprawls over sidewalks, walls, and public spaces. In this form, artists use chalk or pastels to render pictures that use mathematical continuation of perspective to give the illusion of three-dimensionality. Though the medium is widely regarded as a modern art, street art traces its origins back to the Renaissance.

Julian Beever

Julian Beever is an English artist who has been creating 3D works since the mid 90s. He first designs his work on paper, then places a camera on the pavement to observe the image from the lens, and distorts the angles to aid in creating perspective. Beever’s artworks are very interactive and are on display in Australia, England, Europe and America.

Manfred Stader

Another talented German artist, Stader began pavement art while studying art at Städel Artschool in Frankfurt in 1980s. His work rivals the best anamorphic art in the world, and presents simple everyday images in their three dimensional glory.
This is the second in a two-part post, click here for the first post, The Incredible World Of 3D Street Art.

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